Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I may even blog some summary of the last few months of my life, a bit of a script treatment featuring sex, drugs, and pigeon john, but most probably not.

What I will do is begin featuring an Obama quotation of the day. This one's from an absolutely crack-addled feature by Hilary Hylton on Barry's rally in Austin last Friday. It's a gem, and not only because it tracks so nicely with my morning this Tuesday.

"It seemed more rock concert than political rally as 20,000 Texans gathered Friday afternoon in that same downtown Austin park for what Obama's campaign dubbed a "Kick-Ass Rally." The crowd was predominately young, the music by Cyril Neville and Tribe 13 first class funky, and the misty rain was infused with the occasional aroma of marijuana. Only the sea of signs with "Obama '08" gave the slightest hint that this was a political event. A favorite Obama theme is the government failures following Hurricane Katrina, so it was appropriate that Neville, a New Orleans evacuee who has settled in Austin, performed at the rally. But what was unconventional was Neville was the warm-up act. There were no local or state politicians to whip up the crowd. In fact, the only identifiable Texas politician spotted at the event was Constable Bruce Elfant, a popular local Democrat with longtime ties to student Democratic organizations."

Dean's Bryant Park event in the summer of '04, at which plus que 10,000 folks attended, including me, felt the same, with a mildly corporatish grafitti artist up on stage (later faux-prosecuted by the charlatans and miscreants at the NYPD), some flasks of whatever it is upper-middle class white people drink, and enough potential political energy to swamp any opposition within the Party. Obama's the same kind of thing, though his background as an organizer at least strongly suggests that he'll know better than Dean and Trippi did, and nurture the thing before they announce its inevitability.

"Barack Obama, one Hot Mama"

"Half-black, half-white, all right"

Black enough? "The little taste he got from his father was all he needed."

Goodness gracious, I love the man.