Noted without comment
"In throwing her support behind presidential candidate Hillary Clinton with an unprompted, heartfelt speech at a New Hampshire rally last month, Carole Simpson, the longtime ABC news anchor-turned-Emerson College journalism instructor, flung herself into the partisan fires . . .
"Simpson, 65, said she immediately regretted her actions and offered her resignation the next day, which university officials refused to accept. Now Simpson is considering an offer from the Clinton campaign to stump for the candidate, namely before black audiences in the South. She and other university officials have agreed she will not teach political journalism courses if she campaigns for Clinton.
" 'I know I made a mistake. It was definitely the wrong venue for my first foray into free speech,' Simpson said. 'But I'd really like to see her win.' "
(I'm a liar, I will comment: First, sorry for the ad, I'm too inept to figure out how to remove it. And I don't have anything against this ex-anchor, in fact I'm grateful for the inadvertent admission about the realities of corporate news-making.)