Thursday, March 01, 2007

No time for blogging, no time at all, as the lovely neighbor is set to open her show, I (heart) Bed-Stuy, at the waist-high landlord's gallery next door. Her name being Naomi Campbell, there's little doubt as to the vast increase in attendance this show will boast in comparison to previous efforts, inevitably people solely by the artist's immediate pals, Raphael the dwarfish rentier, and us the neighbors.

In any case, could hardly pass this up. CPAC, the conservative organizational force whose hoary past reaches all the way back to the Reagan years (so I believe), chose Indiana Rep. Mike Pence as their keynote speaker for their 3/2 Ronald Reagan banquet. Pence is one of the few, bold House Republicans to have opposed Bush's march to war; another, John Hostettler, was defeated in November after running, as always, a low-funded, high-grassroots (heh) effort. With this kind of hgh-profile signalling, the conservative organizational elite - as opposed to bought-and-paid-for White House/RNC operatives - is demonstrating how fed up they are with a war that will wreak havoc on their hopes for a durable governing conservative majority.

More later on high hopes for the long-awaited schism between the economic conservatives ie plutocrats and social conservatives ie jesus freaks.

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