Wednesday, May 23, 2007


"We need somebody in there who wants to get out of Iraq as soon as possible," said Mangione, a conservative Republican who once voted for Ross Perot, then went with Bush and is now thinking about supporting Obama."

I read quotations like this all the time; it's the kind of evidence that, paradoxically, makes significant elements of the netroots left uncomfortable, as if signs of non-traditional support from the right = inicipient willingness to egregiously sell out (a la Joe Lieberman). But Barry doesn't need any Obamamentum; he's almost single-handedly repackaging the brand image of the progressive left in America, and the political consequences will be tremendous.

(the link, which i just lost, is from an article in the Baltimore Sun on a Peter Hart focus group; as a further sign of poor Hillary's troubles, take the journalist's willingness to describe her "single-minded pursuit of power"!!!)

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