Thursday, April 26, 2007


So, "gin, juice, and justice." i like snoop dogg, buttthe point was to convey the happy hippy carnivalesque possibilities that attend the vast sadness of being of the Left. Wonkette when it was Ana Marie Cox was an inspiration, as were the Radical Cheerleaders (though I was scared to death of them when I was 19, and now they're city commissioners...), the percussive dances of the NYU strike picket line, and the walls at NC.

Now for the first time in my life the left is rising. No one knows how to deal with it; the Washington Post still editorializes (or has David Broder opine) that the Dems will overreach, when the public is far more radical than the party in their (our) thirst for hasty withdrawal from the morass over in that other country.

Check this quote:

"All more than held their own in the debate." This is from a paper that is not all that conservative when it comes to domestic politics, but is still at the forefront when it comes to trashing the prospects, strategic savvy, and/or popular appeal of the Democratic party. Now, now that Bush has lost a war, and the corporations have won everything they could have possibly asked for and are too lazy to just outright enserf us, now that it's clear to even the most myopic observers that the Dems are set to take control of everything in '08, now is when we get judiciously even-handed reporting of the strengths of what is by all accounts a very strong field of candidates.

Yeah for democracy, and also nazi-dupe english short story manufacturers.

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