Saturday, April 07, 2007

A Grown Man Named 'Mitt'?

The Mitt Romney hunting storyline, a collection of stories way, way, way too inane to link to, should be a heartening sign for Democrats. When was the last time a Republican candidate was subjected to this kind of substantively irrelevant, irritatingly prolonged manufactured controversy? Poor Al caught shit for earth tones and Naomi Wolf; Howard raised his voice in a crowded hall and was rewarded with eight days of screeching repetition; JFK II (farce, not tragedy) had, well, his entire campaign. One assumes this means that the Gang of 500 doesn't need a weatherman to know which way the wind is blowing.

On an entirely unrelated note, some divine soul has put seasons and seasons' worth of the old BBC Jeeves & Wooster up on youtube. Bless your heart, angel, whosoever you might be.

And if you're too hip to like P.G. Wodehouse, just because he made, like, propagandistic radio broadcasts for the Nazis, well, you know, go to hell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did he? I say! Dsav